First of all, happy Reformation-day! I was told, it is some religious Holiday, but since I’m not allowed to enter any Churches (The Holy Water boils the Moment I enter the door) I’m not sure what is celebrated/mourned/whatever. But, since I don’t know, I don’t got an opinion at all. And, since I’m already 2 Months in Dresden, I could sum up my experiences with these strange people:
The City itself is rather beautiful, but it depends on the comparison. l Since I’m bavarian, I consider the stuff they call beer around her an insult. Tastes like water, smells like the yellow stuff, all in all disgusting. The folks itself are a pretty strange crowd. They all vote either conservative or right-winged parties, but they don’t think it through. Which is kind of their signature – the not thinking – thingi. The decided to enter capitalism a few years ago, now they complain on loosing in the game of money and power. Well, duh, who doesn’t?
They drive like psychotic maniacs and see driving rules rather as a guideline than a rule. But that is still nothing compared to the streets, which remind me of topological maps.
Also, if you don’t have your life planned out at the age of twelve and do it with a lot of sports and enthusiasm for boring, stupid stuff, I wouldn’t course my worst enemy with, you are considered “Strange”. Says who, I ask myself. On the Plus – Side there has to be said that they have a lot of beautiful houses and architecture round here, and I don’t mean one or two, I mean whole quarters. And the rent is pretty cheap. The girls also. Not mine, but the others.
Another Strange fact is that there is a Asian Food and Turkish-Food-Stand around every corner, and with them being so spread, you should think everyone around here eats lots of shish kebab and Moo-Fung-Bo-Pei, but Nope, they don’t. Strange, Isn’t it?
The people I got to know (and In one case, got to Like a lot (I have to say that, or I get the Icewater-treating the rest of the week) Seem pretty much crazy to me. Don’t get me wrong, they sure are nice, calm, funny citizens, but the question is “One which planet?”. I’m sure far away from home.
And since I am where no man has been before (Her father gave me permission!) the next few Updates should be pretty exiting…….
Oh, and concerning the Newest President of the United States:
Bush is asked how he knows that the Iraque got weapons of mass destruction. Bush replies: “I’m sure they have, and I can prove it!
I retained the receipt”
Let’s all be happy and Cheerful, cause with this idiot in the White house we won’t have anything to laugh soon